Gingival Height Leveling

There are a number of dental conditions that require this orthodontic process:
• A short tooth / teeth
• Severe tooth decay below the gum line
• A tooth that has fractured and broken off beneath the gum line
Just as it is important to properly position the teeth vertically in the “smile zone” for the maximum esthetic benefit, the related positions of the gum tissue are also very important. If a tooth is worn from grinding/clenching it tends to look “boxier” and naturally erupts bringing the gum tissue with it. The margins of the gum tissue can then be uneven contributing to a less than desired esthetic result. In the process of orthodontic tooth movement, the tooth can be intruded which positions the gum tissue more ideally and the short tooth can be restored to its natural length.
When a tooth breaks, or if there is severe decay, the remaining healthy tooth area is reduced, may not be visible or accessible, directly affecting the potential for a successful tooth restoration. Compared to a surgical procedure known as crown lengthening, the
tooth can be moved orthodontically through “forced eruption” to expose more of the remaining natural tooth structure. (See Guided Eruption-Impacted Teeth.)
Click the PDF icon to download the Gingival Height Leveling Infographic to view the dental images.